Lately I've been feeling down, just not liking how life was going and feeling like everything was going wrong for me and it was just not fun. Spring break gave me a chance to kind of take a break and figure some stuff out. I've always beleived everything happens for a reason, but it's been hard to think that lately because, well, like i said, everything was going wrong and I couldn't find a reason behind it. But there were reasons, they just weren't reasons I wanted. However, after a day of reflecting a bit today, I've come to accept that somethings happen for reasons that aren't easy for you, but benefit the lives of others you love and care about. Ok, I realize this is really vague, but get over it, cause I'm gonna keep going. You may think there's a reason something should happen one way but then it happens another. So of course you can't see THAT reason because you think your reasoning is correct. Well it's not, and sometimes it sucks, a lot. Sometimes something happens that you feel is unfair or harsh. You may feel hurt, betrayed, and just plain upset. There is a reason for all of this, and no, it's not just because God feels like pushing you around a bit. It's because He sees a much bigger picture and what will eventually be better for everyone in the long run. Accepting what has happened or is happening and accepting that He is looking out for you is the easiest way to feel better about what's going on and that he has something (or someone) else in mind for you.
Wow. This is exactly what I needed to hear. I've been feeling the same way too. I've been looking for a new job and I landed this amazing interview, but I get the feeling (and repeated disapproval of my mother) that this isn't right. It's kind of a long story that I'll have to tell you sometime. Thanks for the reminder chicka! Love you!!!!!
Very inspiring!
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