So, I was sitting around sick today reading a book. The character was trying to decide which college to go to. I suddenly had a reality check. I haven't decided what college I want to go to. I've been pretty set on BYUI, but I haven't even really looked at it or the other two colleges I've been accepted to. I also tell everyone that I want to major in teaching English, but I really haven't thought much about that either. It feels natural when I say it, but I haven't really checked out what I'm getting myself into. I had some encouragement from my 9th grade English teacher. I went to visit her and found out she got her English major from BYUI and said she liked it better there than BYU provo. So I guess that helped some. I guess my worry is that I've made decisions without really thinking about them. The character in my book was constantly praying and asking what they should do. I really haven't done a lot of that. I mean, I know they're all great choices, but maybe I'm really supposed to go somewhere God wants me to at this time in my life. A lot of my girl friends are talking about wanting to serve missions too. They asked if I wanted to and I said I didn't know, that I hadn't really thought about it. I'm terrified to ask about that though, 'cause if the answer is yes I might freak out a little. I guess I haven't really thought about how big these decisions are that I'm facing at this point in my life. But they pretty much can determine the rest of my life. And don't worry, I'm not like, 'freaking out' and 'under too much pressure' right now, I just needed to get my thoughts down in writing. Anyway, if anyone has some advice it's very welcome. :)
dude. i'm going through exactly the same thing right now. if i would have known, i would have talked to you sooner!
decisions suck. that's my opinion. i hate deciding something that my entire future is going to depend on. unluckily, for us, it's probably the second or third most influential decision on the long list of life-changing events.
i know this sounds a little bit corny, but pray about it. at the very least it's helped me to focus on my colleges' stong and weak points to help me make a decision. clarity is key.
also, talk to your parents about it. say, "mom, dad, these are my options, what do you think?" give them your entire story (scholarships, strong points, etc.) of each college and what you are going to there. that's what i did. (my PB says that i should trust my parents because they would never lead me "down the path of trouble or turmoil." so i figure i can count on their opinion. and FYI it's just their opinion; they aren't making the decision for me.)
don't forget to think about what is going to make YOU happy. parents can say one thing, statistics can say another, but what it really comes down to is are you going to be happy where you're going. it may take you a semester or two to find out that a certain college isn't for you. but that's ok, because that's what transfers are for!
the bottom line - don't be afraid. be confident in your decision. be proud that you are a college bound student. you're getting the opportunity that a lot of kids aren't, so go and make the best of it. Whatever you decide, I'm absolutely sure you'll be GREAT!
whoa sorry. lots of rambling. i'm sure you're saying, "just shut up, aleesha." i'm just really talkative about the subject of college.
anyway. i hope this helps. these are just my feelings recently so i figured i'd share them.
decisions, decisions. being at a fork in the road isn't always the funnest place to be. you've got so much ahead of you tho, so it IS exciting.
i remember trying to decide what i wanted to focus my studies on years ago. my choices were music, astronomy and law (i know, crazy). i ended up getting on my knees and praying about each one. i felt good about all of them, but i felt the best about music, hands down, no question. it will give you incredible clarity to pray about it.
and i'm glad to have made the decision i did to go with music, cuz when tim and i met, that was one of the biggest things that attracted him to me.
re: a mission, you have lots of time to decide and prepare. you could literally have graduated by the time you leave for a mission. i had always wanted to serve a mission and had my papers nearly complete when tim and i decided to get married... which is another story for another day.
a few conferences ago, there was a talk called "good, better, best." i would totally look it up on if i were you. that and consult your patriarchal blessing. be prayerful. fast about it. there's no time like today :)
love ya!
Don't rush into anything. Take your time to figure it out. Weigh the pros and cons, but in the end it really only comes down to what you want.
As for majors, just know that you don't have to rush into anything. You can go into a college undeclared and just get the required classes out of the way. You don't really have to decide what you're majoring in for another few years, and if you want, you can always switch majors. I say just go into college, try out a few classes, and it will probably hit you where you are supposed to be.
As for the mission, don't worry about that yet. You still have, like, 4 years before you CAN go on a mission. Always keep it somewhere in your mind, but don't sweat over it unitl time comes for a decision. But i'm pretty sure when that time comes, you'll have a clear idea on if you should go.
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