Nothing like blogging while you're supposed to be working on a project due in two days. Don't worry parents who never read my blog anyway, it will get done. So yes, here I am in photography class bored out of my mind. (Don't get my wrong, it's a way cool class.) Today's been basically a drag. I got a text from coach telling me about conditioning starting tomorrow and strangely enough that was pretty much the highlight of my day.
Jake has a llama on his computer. There, that's my random moment of the day. Anyway, I'm really not sure what the point of this is. Ooh, good song.
Omg, so, super hott man on American Idol last night. ;) He's been in the cast of Wicked for about a year and a half, which, ya know, only adds to his really gorgeous eyes and smile. Anyway, he was a really good singer and he's probably one of my favs of the moment. Unfortunately, Salt Lake auditions won't be airing for like, another week. Tonight is Kentucky and I'm pretty sure there's a few more cities before S.L. so yeah. I'm not famous yet, :).
Other than those aspects of my exciting life, um...yeah. I got nothing. Except I still have an hour of this class left so...I'll just keep rambling on pointlessly.
Jake wants me to talk about how much I hate him...except I don't. Aw, for cute.
I don't want to work today. I mean, hooray for money but, ugh. I really want to go to young womens...did I really just say that? I guess so. Not that young womens is bad, but we just got a new presidency and I'm a little...wary? I'm not sure if that's the right word. Worried? Unsure? Something along those lines. *One more night, one more time!* Another good song. I think I'm working with Sandee tonight, and she always keeps things interesting so it shouldn't be too bad.
Well, if I have any hope of somebody actually reading this, I better stop right now. I could start trash talking people and it wouldn't matter because nobody will actually read to this, I don't talk bad about people...
Field of Innocence
14 years ago
I'm reading this!
Tell Jake I said hi.
Of course when there is a really attractive man on American Idol, my DVR randomly decides not to record.
I hate technology.
Perhaps you can post your photography project for us on your next blog?
I have been missing YW all week. Particularly Sunday with its bittersweet finale.
Wary is understandable. It always takes time to adjust. You're going to have such a blast with your new prez. It's hard to switch mid-stream. Miss you!!!
PS: I almost called you on Monday to come over and play/write music. We need to put something on the calendar :)
I'm reading this.
Perhaps we should have you tested for ADHD -- you seem to be all over the place =)
In relation to Sarah's post, I'm arranging for Michael Dowdle to come do a fireside and play for our youth. Super cool!
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