Here we are again, that wonderful time of year. Christmas. Many people think that Christmas has become too commercial, that everyone is too caught up in gifts and shopping and decorations. But what defines Christmas as commercial? Everyone I know is all for giving at Christmas time. I don't know anybody (little kids aside) that is obsessed with what they will get and how much of it. There's the families that won't have a Christmas. So when others give freely of themselves and help them have a good Christmas, does that mean that poor family is greedy for wanting a Christmas with presents? Of course not! So those of us who are financially sound are guilty of being greedy because we get excited for Christmas?
Everyone also says that decorations are too elaborate and fake. Almost every sort of decoration we have is symbolic of that first Christmas long ago when our Savior was born. The Christmas tree, string lights, wreaths, etc. The Christmas spirit is in our hearts, true, but not everyone has an open heart. They need actions and sights to help soften their hatred for the world so that they too might feel the joy that comes with Christmas. Those that are obsessed with feeling the "true" Christmas spirit and trying to make it "not commercial" are the ones who are bitter all season and never do feel the Christmas spirit. Take it to someone who's mom puts on Christmas music all year round, all these "commercial" parts of Christmas are just ways people get into the real spirit.
Don't get me wrong. There are many people out there who ARE greedy and are unwilling to give to others because they always feel like THEY need more. They aren't truly happy. They think Christmas is about getting gifts and if Christmas is supposed to be happy then they must need more gifts to be happy. I love giving to others. I love service. I know I don't do it as often as I should, but when I do I feel happier than anything in the world. Am I a good person? I like to think so. Am I excited for presents? Of course I am! I'm human! Just because I like getting things, doesn't mean I'm not allowed to enjoy giving things. There just needs to be a balance.
Anyway, that's my rant. Granted a lot of people I know will probably be mad at me for this and start an argument. *sigh* Oh well, this is my opinion and it comes from my heart. I love Christmas!
Field of Innocence
14 years ago
So, I'm pretty sure you wrote this in response to my article...Well, it isn't finished yet, and I think you'll like it better when it is. And it is mostly directed to the people who only care about Christmas, and I am trying to motivate them to get into the giving spirit...anyway, I'll stop talking...I guess I'm not really that good at getting my point across when I want to. Anyway, I didn't comment to argue with you, I commented to tell you that I agree with you. A lot of people get excited about the commercial Christmas and still promote what this season really is...I'm just trying to say, that there is a lot more we could do to mind. I guess I'm still not doing a good job at putting what I'm trying to say into words... I'll just go now...
I'm with you, babe. I love Christmas! I love all the fun parties and Christmas movies. I love playing games. And I love the excitement of Christmas eve. I especially love the joy and anticipation of children at this most magical time of year. Don't ever turn it into a social platform. Everyone can celebrate (or not) in their own way. I'll never judge another and ask the same in return.
The crazy thing about Christmas is that it starts in retail establishments the day after Halloween. I get a warm fuzzy feeling seeing all the decorations and hearing the festive music, but there certainly is excess this time of year in the western world. The part that sucks is that the spirit of Christmas is lost in last minute shopping and stressing over the perfect gift. This year, we're just thrilled to go home that we won't be giving. Much anyway :) It's more of a gift to be in the company of those you love.
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